Development Plans

Master Plan

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club Master Plan Download Master Plan PDF, 3.4MB

The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club has identified the need for a Master Plan for its facilities on the Kalgoorlie Race Course to set parameters for future development and upgrading of existing facilities to ensure the long term viability of the organisation.

The Kalgoorlie Racecourse is unique in Australia as containing the most preserved set of heritage buildings still in use for racing purposes. However, over time these buildings have been adapted or become disused because of the changing needs of racing operations.

The Master Plan for the site proposes to re-use all existing heritage buildings, together with a rationalisation and expansion of the range of facilities on the site.

In an environment of decreasing on-course betting and closures of many Regional WA horse racing facilities it is critical to increase the viability of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club’s facilities.

The facilities at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racecourse have suffered due to a lack of long-term, strategic planning for the future of the site. Unfortunately, heritage buildings have not been as best preserved as they could be and infrastructure constructed over the last 30-50 years is now looking tired, run-down and in need of attention in order to meet community expectations and standards.

The Master Plan will remain in draft form until all stakeholders have had input into the proposals.

Conservation Management Plan

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club Master Plan Download Master Plan PDF, 3.4MB

The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club has identified the need for a Master Plan for its facilities on the Kalgoorlie Race Course to set parameters for future development and upgrading of existing facilities to ensure the long term viability of the organisation.Fake Patek

The Kalgoorlie Racecourse is unique in Australia as containing the most preserved set of heritage buildings still in use for racing purposes. However, over time these buildings have been adapted or become disused because of the changing needs of racing operations.

The Master Plan for the site proposes to re-use all existing heritage buildings, together with a rationalisation and expansion of the range of facilities on the site.

In an environment of decreasing on-course betting and closures of many Regional WA horse racing facilities it is critical to increase the viability of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club’s facilities.

The facilities at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racecourse have suffered due to a lack of long-term, strategic planning for the future of the site. Unfortunately, heritage buildings have not been as best preserved as they could be and infrastructure constructed over the last 30-50 years is now looking tired, run-down and in need of attention in order to meet community expectations and standards.

The Master Plan will remain in draft form until all stakeholders have had input into the proposals.

Heritage Impact Statement

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club Master Plan Download Master Plan PDF, 3.4MB

The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club has identified the need for a Master Plan for its facilities on the Kalgoorlie Race Course to set parameters for future development and upgrading of existing facilities to ensure the long term viability of the organisation.

The Kalgoorlie Racecourse is unique in Australia as containing the most preserved set of heritage buildings still in use for racing purposes. However, over time these buildings have been adapted or become disused because of the changing needs of racing operations.

The Master Plan for the site proposes to re-use all existing heritage buildings, together with a rationalisation and expansion of the range of facilities on the site.

In an environment of decreasing on-course betting and closures of many Regional WA horse racing facilities it is critical to increase the viability of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club’s facilities.

The facilities at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racecourse have suffered due to a lack of long-term, strategic planning for the future of the site. Unfortunately, heritage buildings have not been as best preserved as they could be and infrastructure constructed over the last 30-50 years is now looking tired, run-down and in need of attention in order to meet community expectations and standards.

The Master Plan will remain in draft form until all stakeholders have had input into the proposals.

About KBRC

All of us associated with the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club feel privileged to be the custodians of thoroughbred racing in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and to have such a wonderful course and a truly unique Racing Museum.


© 2022 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club